Kaur R. Hensel

tel.: +(49)176 29 63 39 11

fashion design | modedesign | moedisain

III. Eine ist die Himmelblaue | one of them is the sky blue one

collection | skechtes and materials | prints


Zwiefach sind die Phantasien,
Sind ein Zauberschwesternpaar,
Sie erscheinen, singen, fliehen
Wesenlos und wunderbar. ...

Wilhelm Busch

The magic pair of sisters

Twofolded are the fantasies,
They are magic pair of sisters,
They appear, sing, and flee
Bodiless and marvelous. ...

Wilhelm Busch

impressum | friends | all pictures are copyrighted ©

A collection under the topic "With 70 you still have dreams" in collaboration with Katharina Eichner and Ms. Schlosser under the direction of Prof. Thomas Greis, Prof. Joachim Schielicke and Prof. Dr. Monika Genz.

pictures: Marco Warmuth
model: Frau Schlosser
h&m: Katharina Kraft

Kunsthochschule Burg Giebichenstein Halle

2013 Giebichensteinprice as a group project
2014 nomination for The German Senior Citizens' Awards (Deutscher Alterspreis) of the Robert Bosch Stiftung